Monday 28 February 2011

Strong Like a Shell

I love seashells.

They have a beauty that isn't always diminished by the erosive power of the waves. I love them for all their variety of shape and colour. I love the feel of them, hard and smooth and, sometimes, warm from my hand as I hold one in my pocket; a talisman caressed by my fingers.

There are shells on my windowsill and shells in my thoughts. There is a drawing of a shell on the tabletop in front of me; tiny and detailed. An accurate record of an object that represents a place and a moment and an emotion. Memories pinned down by graphite marks.

Sometimes, no matter how fragile we feel, we have to be strong - or, at least, to give the appearance of strength. To reassure someone else.

Tonight, I want to wrap a shield around myself, hard and resilient to protect me like a shellfish inside its shell.